Python Interview Questions and Answers

Python Interview Questions with Answers

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Best Python Interview Questions and Answers

As the world is digitalized, the popularity of big data and analytics increased tremendously. And, this is why most of the data scientists prefer the best programming language python. This is because python ensures simple coding, it is highly scalable, and it has a wide collection of frameworks and libraries which simplifies the task of companies that make use of big data or analytics. Do you know? An expert python programmer is earning up to $122K per year. Are you applying for a job that involves python programming skill? Then you are in the right page.

Here you will get the top 50 Python Interview Questions and Answers that are possibly asked by the interviewers. By glancing these top 50 python interview questions and answers before attending your interview, it is certain that you will succeed your python interview and will get the best high paying career in the future. This will be your one-stop resource to upgrade your interview preparation. Here, we have covered almost every python interview questions and answers from the basic level to the high level questions that will be suitable for every fresher and professional to prepare for their interviews. We wish you the career of your choice.

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Tuples are immutable which means it cannot be edited but lists can be edited and it is mutable. Tuples are faster when compared to list which is slower.

Shallow copy will create an object and populates the created object in line with the child object that is present within the parent or original object. Thus the changes or modification done in the original object will affect the copy too.

Shallow copy is created by copy.copy()

Deep copy will create an object and populates the created object with the child object of the parent or original object. Thus the changes or modification done in the original object will not affect the copy.

Deep copy is created by copy.deepcopy()

Python is generally known as a programming language but it has the scripting ability too.
A programming language which is not listed as a machine level code before runtime is declared to be an interpreted language and so python is also known as interpreted language due to this feature.

When multiple threads are executed or processed concurrently it is known as multithreading. But the global interpreter lock of python does not allow multiple threads at a time, so python uses context switching methodology to implement multithreading process which is actually different from the normal multiprocessing technology.

The set of rules that are used to format the python code in order to attain maximum readability is known as PEP8 which is known as Python Enhancement Proposal.
In order to ensure the uniqueness of the names and to avoid the naming conflicts, the namespace is used which is known as the best naming system in python.
The private heap space that is used to store all the objects of Python is known as memory. The memory manager of Python manages all the functionality of this private heap space like sharing, allocating, caching, and segmenting. Only the Python interpreter can access and manage this memory while an user have no access to control and manage the memory.

Pickling is nothing but converting the hierarchy of a Python object into a byte stream while the vice versa is known as unpickling. Also, pickling can be otherwise known as serialization while unpickling is known as deserialization.

In Python, the arguments are passed with the help of reference only.

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PYTHONPATH is nothing but an environment variable; this is used while importing a module. On importing a module, to find the module directory PYTHONPATH is being used. Also, the interpreter uses it in such a way to find out which particular module has to be loaded at a time.

Python modules consist of Python codes which can be of function classes or variables. Some of the in-built Python modules are as follows:

    • os
    • sys
    • random
    • math
    • JSON
    • data time
The variable that is declared inside a function is referred to as a local variable. The variable that is declared outside a function is referred to as a global variable. And, a global variable can be accessed equally by any function listed in the program.
Yes, absolutely Python is declared to be a case sensitive language.
Converting one data type into another is known as type conversion, some of the type conversions are listed below:
  • int() is used to convert a data type into an integer
  • float() is used to convert a data type into a float type
  • ord() this actually converts a character into an integer
  • hex() this converts integers into hexadecimals
  • oct() is used to convert an integer into an octal
  • tuple() converts any data type into a tuple
  • set() it returns the type after converting into a set
  • list() this converts any data type into a list
  • dict() this is used to convert a tuple into a dictionary
  • str() actually converts an integer into a string
  • complex(real,imag) this is actually used to convert a real number into a complex number
Both arrays and lists in Python are used to store data whereas arrays can store only a single data type element but lists can store any data type element.

A function is defined to be a set of code which is executed only when it is solely called to do so. To call a function, def keyword can be used.


 def Newfunc()

            Print (“Hi, This is Python”)


Output: Hi, This is Python

The block of code is specified by indentation so it is highly required in Python. In an indented block, all codes within loops, functions, classes, etc will be specified. In case you code is not indented then there is chance of frequent errors and your code will not run properly.
When a new instance/object is created in Python, then _init_ is used to allocate memory as it is known as a method or constructor in Python. Every class will have a _init_ method associated with it.
The lambda function is anonymous it can have as many number of parameters but it have only one statement.

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The / operator performs division and displays the quotient in the form of float while the // operator performs division and displays the output quotient in the form of an integer. Example: 3 / 2 gives 1.5 while 3 // 2 gives 1

Break: When some condition is met it allows the loop termination and then transfers the control to the next statement.

Continue: When some condition is met it skips some part of the loop and then transfers the control to the beginning of the loop.

Pass: It can be used when you need some code to be present syntactically but you never need its execution. This is also known as a null operation because no changes will happen once it is executed.

To reverse the order of a sequence or an array, [::-1} is used.
The object which can be iterated upon or traversed though is known as an iterator in Python.
The sentence that begins with # in Python is known as comment in some cases docstring, the strings that are enclosed within a triple quote can also be mentioned as comments in Python.
The function lower() is used to convert a string into a lowercase. Example:
Output: rain
A function the delivers an iterable set of items is declared to be a generator in Python.
The method capitalize(), capitalizes the first letter in the string, in case, the first letter of the string is already given in caps then it returns the original string without any modification.
is: this operator returns true if the operands are true not: this operator is used to return the reverse of the Boolean value in: to check if some element in present in some particular sequence, this operator is used
The help() function is used to display the documentation string whereas the dir() function is used to display the defined symbols.

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The dictionary in Python is defined to be the built-in data types. Dictionary consists of a pair key and their respective values and so it is known to declare the relation between the keys and values. And, dictionary is often indexed by keys.
The operator that is used to display the conditional statement is known as the ternary operator. It consists of the true and false values of the evaluated statements.
The length of any string, array or a list can be calculated with the help of len().
split() – This method uses a regex pattern to split any given string into a several lists. sub() – With the help of regex pattern, it finds several substrings and replaces them with an another string. subn() – It’s functionality is similar to that of the sub(), but along with the replacement it declares the number of replacements too.
The namespaces that consists of multiple modules is known as a Python package.
Firstly, you will have to import an OS module and then you’ll have to implement the os.remove() function to delete a file in Python.
The several built-in types present in Python are as follows:
  • Floating point
  • Strings
  • Built-in functions
  • Integers
  • Complex numbers
  • Boolean
The append(), extend(), and insert(i,x) functions are used to add a value to an existing Python array. Example: a=arr.array(‘d’, [1.2, 2.4, 3.6]) a.append(3.7) print (a) a.extend(4.8, 5.10, 6.12) print (a) a.insert(2, 3.5) print (a) Output: array(‘d’, [1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 3.8]) array(‘d’, [1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 3.7, 4.8, 5.10, 6.12]) array(‘d’, [1.2, 2.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 4.8, 5.10, 6.12])
The pop() and remove() function is used to delete or remove a value from a Python array. The former function displays the deleted or removed value whereas the latter will not display.
There are several Python libraries which are known as the collection of Python packages and some are listed below:
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • Scikit-learn

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A class keyword in Python is used to create a class in Python.


class Forest:

def_init_(self, name): = name

F1 = Forest(“Giraffe”)


Output: Giraffe

The dynamic modifications of a class or module during the run-time are known as monkey patch in Python.
A class that is derived from more than one parent class in known as multiple inheritances and it is of course supported by Python.
The process that binds the code and data together is known as encapsulation. A class that is created in Python can be an example for encapsulation.

Data abstraction provides only the details while it hides the implementation process from the world. Interfaces and Abstract classes are used to achieve data abstraction in Python.

The object() function returns any featureless object which is declared to be the base for all created classes in Python and it does not take any particular parameters.

The web service that is used to build web pages is known as Django. The architecture of Django is explained below:

Template – It is known as the web page’s front end

Model – This is the back end where the data are stored

View – This will actually interact with the template and model and maps it perfectly to the URL

Django – Serves or displays the web page to the user

The in-built method of Python, isalnum() returns true if all the characters used in string are alphanumeric.
Istrip() the built-in functionality of Python is used to remove the leading whitespace in a string. Example: >>”     Fame”.Istrip Output: Fame
*args is used to accept the varying number of arguments and is used in a function prototype whereas *kwargs is used to accept the varying number of keyworded arguments and this is also used in a function prototype.

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Intermediate Python Interview Questions and Answers

We use Python in different domains, following are some of the applications 

  • Games
  • Internet and web development 
  • Language development 
  • Computational and scientific applications
  • Operating systems 
  • Graphic design applications
  • Image processing applications 
  • Business and enterprise application development 
  • GUI based desktop applications 

The key advantages of Python are as follows: 

Portable Python programs will run on every platform without affecting its performance.

Object-oriented Python permits you to implement object-oriented concepts to design application solutions.

Built-in data structure list, dictionary, tuple are usefully integrated data structures given by the language.

Extensible Python is very extensible and flexible with any module.

Cross-platform interpreted Python is an interpreted language. It does not need any prior compilation of code plus executes the instructions undeviatingly.

Open-source and free Python is an open-source project that is publicly available to reuse. We can download it free of cost.

Numeric literals There are three types of numeric literals that are supported by Python they are integer, float, and complex. 

Integer literal a = 20

Float literal x = 1.25

Complex literal y = 2.46z

String literals we can form string literals by enclosing a text in double quotes 

Example “nibba”, ‘45678’.

Boolean literals we denote boolean literals using boolean. These literals project the results either as true or false.

Example IsBoolean = True.  

The zip() function in Python returns a zip object and this maps an identical index of different containers. Moreover, it takes an iterable, converts it into an iterator, and also aggregates all the elements based on the iterables passed. Furthermore, It returns an iterator of tuples. 


zip(iterator1, iterator2, iterator3…)


Iterator1, iterator2, iterator3 are the iterator objects that are combined.


This returns an iterator from two or more iterators. 

remove() eliminates the first matching object or value, not particular indexing. For example list.remove(value).


List = [30,40,50,60]





del eliminates the item at a particular index for example del list[index]


List = [30,40,50,60]

del list[2]




Pop eliminates the item at a particular index and returns it. For example list.pop(index).


list = [100,300,400,500]





The swapcase() is a string’s function that converts every uppercase character within lowercase also vice versa. It is used to modify the current case of that string. This method builds a representation of the string which includes all the characters within the swap case. If the string is within lowercase, it creates a small case string also vice versa. It automatically neglects all those non-alphabetic characters.


string = “LOWERCASE”


string = “uppercase”





The join() is described as a string method that returns a string value. It is a sequence of the elements of an iterable. It gives a docile way to concatenate those strings.

str = “ariya”  

str2 = “xy”  

str2 = str.join(str2)    


Output  xariyay

The shuffle() method is used to shuffle the given string or else an array. It randomizes the items within the array. This method is present within some random modules. So, we need to import the module and then call that specific function. It shuffles elements whenever the function calls plus produces various outputs.


import random  

list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,];  



print (“shuffled list  \n”,  list) 



Shuffled list


The break statement is utilized to eliminate the execution of that current loop. A break perpetually breaks the current execution plus transfer control outside that current block. If the block is within a loop, then that exits from the loop, also if the break is there within a nested loop, that exits from the innermost loop.

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In Python, there are two types of parameter passing mechanisms
  • Pass by reference
  • Pass by value
By default, all the arguments/parameters are passed by reference to those functions. Therefore, if you modify the value of that parameter inside a function, the difference is shown within the calling function as well. It designates the initial variable. For instance, if a variable is declared as a = 20, and passed via a function wherever its value is changed to a = 30. Both variables indicate an identical value. pass by reference The pass by value is that when we pass these arguments to the function simply values pass to that function, no reference passes to that function. It makes it permanent which means we cannot change it. Both variables possess different values, including that the original value continues even after changing the function. pass by value

To remove the whitespaces including trailing spaces of that string, Python gives a strip([str]) built-in function. That function returns a copy of that string after removing whitespaces if present. Unless it returns the initial string.

Before we know what is a dynamically typed language, we should discover what typing is. Typing leads to type-checking within programming languages. Inside a strongly-typed language, like Python, “5” + 2 will give the output as a type error because these languages do not permit for “type-coercion”. On the other side, a weakly-typed language, like Javascript, will give the output “52” as a result.

We can type-check in two different stages 

Static we can check data types before the execution

Dynamic we can check data types during the execution 

There are four different types of file processing modes in Python.

Read-only opens a file for reading.

Write-only open a file for writing.

Read-write opens a file for writing as well as reading.

Append opens a file for writing, append to the end of the opened file.  

The six different types of operators in Python are

  • Logical operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Identity operators
  • Assignment operators 
  • Bitwise operators 
  • Membership operators
Python and Java both are object-oriented programming languages. Let us compare both languages.
Ease of useVery GoodGood
Data typesDynamic typeStatic type
Coding speedExcellentAverage
Data scienceVery goodAverage

There are four different types of scopes in Python

  • Local scope
  • Global scope
  • Module-level scope
  • Outermost scope

Lambda is an uncredited function within Python, that can acquire any number of arguments, however, can only have a unique expression. It is commonly utilized in situations demanding an anonymous function for an abrupt period. Lambda functions can be utilized in either of the ways: 

Assigning lambda functions to a variable.

Wrapping lambda functions within other functions.

Self is a keyword within Python utilized to define an example of an object of a class. within Python, it is explicitly utilized as the first parameter, unlike in Java wherever it is optional. It assists in differentiating among the methods including attributes of a class of its local variables.

Pylint is the tool that verifies whether the module meets the coding standard, and Pychecker is another tool that is used to check if there are any bugs, and it also helps to perform static analysis.

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The difference between list and tuple is that list is changeable while tuple is not. We can hash the tuple for example, as a key for dictionaries.

There are two different built-in types available in Python, and they are 

Mutable built-in types   

  • Sets
  • Lists
  • Dictionaries 

Immutable built-in types 

  • Numbers 
  • Strings 
  • Tuples

Slicing is a mechanism that is used to select a range of items from a sequence like strings, tuples, lists, etc.

If you want to copy an object in Python, you can try a copy.deepcopy() or copy.copy() for the general case.

To convert a number to a string, use the str() built-in function. This function takes an integer as input and gives a string as an output. 


>>> num= 666

>>> number_as_string= str(num)

>>> number_as_string



Xrange returns the object of xrange while range returns a list and utilizes the same memory no matter what the size of the range is.

You have to follow two simple steps to execute the Python script on Unix.

The first line of the script must start with # ( #!/python/local/bin/usr).

Script files must be executable.

We can generate random numbers by importing the command as 

Import random


This generates random numbers.

A common method for the flask script to work is either it must be a path to the file or an import path for your application.

There are three types of namespaces in Python are
• Global namespace
• Local namespace
• Built-in namespace

%s is used to convert any value into a string in Python.

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