Big Data Hadoop Interview Questions and Answers

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Best Big Data Hadoop Interview Questions and Answers
Do you know? In the recent times, the most highly paid expertise in the field of IT is none other than Big Data Analysts. Also, the need for certified and expert Big Data Hadoop Professionals are enhancing day by day as organization’s experience huge volume of data every day which has to be analyzed and processed every single day to enhance productivity of their business. So, candidates who discover tremendous skill in this field are sure to shine in the near future. Hope, aspirants would have understood the importance of undertaking Big Data Hadoop as their career choice.
Here we have listed some of the top 50 Big Data Hadoop Interview Questions and Answers. These Hadoop Interview questions where highly asked by the interviewers and employers while recruiting analysts for their industry. So, aspirants who are preparing for Big Data Hadoop interview can go through these questions to cross check their intellect and to build confidence to face the Hadoop interview. By using these top 50 Big Data Interview Questions and Answers, it is certain that candidates can crack the interview and earn more. We wish you all success in your Big Data Hadoop job search.
Top Big Data Hadoop Interview Questions and Answers
The term that refers to the grouping and collection of data sets that are complex and large which makes it highly complex to operate with the help of traditional data processing applications and database management tools is known as the big data. Actually, big data which has been a trend in the emerging multinational companies is highly complex to capture, store, curate, and share, analyze, transfer, search and visualize. With big data applications, companies can extract desired values from their data and can stand ahead of their competitors by taking optimized business decisions and building several productive opportunities to improve their business process.
The 5Vs of big data are as follows: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value.
Apache Hadoop which is a framework with a collection of several services and tools that are necessary to process and store big data at ease actually emerged as a solution for the problems that were associated with the big data. The process like analyzing big data and instantly bringing out decisions that are in line with the analysis to enhance business operation was simpler and efficient with Hadoop rather than the old traditional processing methods.
The two main components of Hadoop are as follows:
Storage Unit – It is nothing but HDFS which is a collection of NameNode and DataNode
Processing Framework – It is particularly YARN which includes ResourceManager and NodeManager
HDFS is referred to as Hadoop Distributed File System which is actually a Hadoop storage unit that undergoes master and slave topology. HDFS stores a collection of various data in the form of blocks in a specific distributed environment.
HDFS includes two components namely NameNode and DataNode.
NameNode: A master node of the distributed environment which effectively maintains all the essential and required metadata information like block location and replication factors of the data blocks that are stored in the Hadoop is known as the NameNode.
DataNode: A reliable slave node that is required to store data effectively in HDFS is known as the DataNode which is managed by the NameNode known as master node.
Once a data is reliably stored in HDFS, the function of the NameNode is to replicate the specific data to various DataNode present, the replication factor is almost 3 in default condition and this factor can be configured on necessity. In case a DataNode is performing slower than usual, then the NameNode will copy the replicas of the data automatically to another better performing node and keep the data always available and this process is known as the HDFS false tolerant function.
A tiny continuous location present in the hard drive where essential data are stored reliably and securely is known as blocks, these blocks are stored in HDFS and are evenly catered across various Hadoop clusters.
It uses the throttling mechanism to track the list of blocks that are available in the DataNode and checks for any errors.
The physical data division is called HDFS block while a logical data division is known as an input split. HDFS actually divided the available data in the form of blocks and stores all the blocks together while to process MapReduce splits every data into an input split and distributed it to the particular mapper function.
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Like personal desktops and laptops, DataNode can be illustrated as commodity hardware which is required in large quantities and are able to store huge volume of data while NameNode can be defined as a top-notch machine that holds good memory to store essential metadata of the blocks which are effectively stored in the HDFS.
The segment of work is actually defined by the Input Split but it does not provide the accessing details. Thus a RecordReader is used, it loads the sliced data from its origin and displays into a key, value pair which can be easily read by the Mapper task.
YARN is referred to as Yet Another Resource Negotiator which is a Hadoop processing framework that maintains all the resources and offers an execution environment for the necessary process.
The two important components of YARN are ResourceManager and NodeManager.
ResourceManager: It gathers all the requests for processing and then distributes the requests to the particular NodeManagers where the holistic processing is undertaken. ResourceManager caters the processing requests to the applications as per requirement.
NodeManager: It is installed reliably in the DataNode and it is used to execute all the tasks in association with all the DataNodes.
RDBMS | Hadoop |
It supports data size in the form of Gigabytes | It supports data size in the form of Petabytes |
It involves static schema structure | It involves dynamic schema structure |
RDBMS undergoes non linear scaling | Hadoop undergoes linear scaling |
Listed below are some of the Hadoop daemons:
- NameNode
- DataNode
- Secondary NameNode
- ResourceManager
- NodeManager
- JobHistoryServer
Active NameNode promptly works and reliably operates in the cluster while passive NameNode can be referred to a standby NameNode which consists of identical data which are similar to that of the active NameNode.
Hadoop | Spark |
The dedicated storage in Hadoop is HDFS | There are no dedicated storages found in Spark |
Hadoop provides average processing speed | Spark provides excellent processing speed |
There are several different library tools available | The library tools found in Spark are SQL, Spark Core, GraphX, Streaming and MLlib |
There are several modes in which Hadoop can perform perfectly which includes Standalone mode, Pseudo distributed mode, and fully distributed mode.
A service provided by MapReduce framework which can be used to cache files whenever required is known as the distributed cache.
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A framework or a programming model which can be utilized for operating large volume of datasets across a cluster of computers with the help of parallel programming methodology is known as the MapReduce.
Listed below are some of the essential configuration parameters used in MapReduce program or MapReduce framework:
- A particular job’s input locations in the distributed file system
- A particular job’s output location in the distributed file system
- Input format of data
- Output format of data
- Class that consists of the map function
- Class that consists of the reduce function
- JAR file that consists of the mapper, reducer and driver classes
The main function of the MapReduce Partitioner is to check whether all the single key values are distributed evenly to the same reducer which is holistically responsible for that particular key.
Actually the MapReduce programming model does not support reducers communicating with each other as reducers always operate in isolation.
Listed below are some of the key benefits of distributed cache:
It can be used to cater non complex text, data or file in the read-only mode or jars, archives and more which are highly complex. In the slave mode, all archive data will be un-archived effectively.
The new edits timestamps of the necessary cache files are being tracked with the help of distributed cache and this actually conveys that there should not be any changes unless and otherwise the task is executed completely.
The local reduce tasks are perfomed effectively by a combiner which is known as a mini reducer. The input of the combiner is received from the mapper and the output is redirected to the reducer. The main function of combiner is that it improves the MapReduce efficiency by drastically reducing the volume of data such that it can be easily redirected to the reducer.
There are three most important input formats found in Hadoop and they are as follows:
- Text input format: This is one of the default input formats in Hadoop
- Key value input format: It can be used for plain files which consists of text
- Sequence file input format: It is used to read sequence files without interruption
There are up to three core methods involved in reducer and they are as follows:
setup(): It is sued to configure several types of parameters like distributed cache and input data size
reduce(): Here the heart of the reducer will be called only once in association with the available reduced task
cleanup(): At the end of the task, it actually cleans all the temporary files which are not highly essential
Listed below are some of the top multinational companies that prefer Hadoop for their business operations:
- Yahoo
- Amazon
- Adobe
- Netflix
- Spotify
- eBay
Once the data enters the map, then the map side join which is present in the map and that requires a strict structure is executed while reduce side join requires structuring the input datasets to perform.
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SequenceFile is defined to be a flat file that consists of various pairs of binary key-values which can be widely used as a MapReduce I/O format. It also ensures reader, sorter and writer classes and the outcomes of this types is internally stored in the form of SequenceFile.
The three most essential SequenceFile formats are as follows:
- Uncompressed key-value records
- Record compressed key-value records
- Block compressed key-value records
In this type all the values and keys are collected in the form of blocks and are compressed individually. The block size can be configured as desired.
In record compressed key-value records only values are compressed effectively.
The process of checkpoint in Hadoop which is performed by a secondary NameNode is nothing but it captures an FsImage and recreates it into a new FsImage by compacting and editing the previous log. Checkpoint actually reduces the initial startup time of the NameNode by providing efficient performance.
The check whether the Hadoop daemons are operating well or not, we can use the jps command. It checks all the NameNode, DataNode, ResourceManager, NodeManager and more and tells us whether they are functioning properly or not.
An algorithm in which the specialized NameNodes checks and decides how the blocks and their associated replicas are placed in line with the rules and definitions of the rack in order to reduce the emerging traffic between various DataNodes present in the same identical rack.
In case if a node performs a task slower than usual, then the master node can simultaneously perform any other instance associated with the same task on a different node. The task that is accomplished first will be accepted and the other slower tasks will be killed, this process is particularly termed as the speculative execution in Hadoop.
Both atomic and complex data types are supported by Pig Latin.
The atomic data types are the basic data types which include int, float, string, long, char[], double and byte[].
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Some of the complex data types include Map, Bag and Tuple.
The various relational operations used in Pig Latin are as follows:
- for each
- order by
- filters
- group
- distinct
- join
- limit
In case you do not find the required functionality within the operators then you can create UDF known as user defined functions programmatically to generate those required functionalities to light using programming languages like Python, Ruby, Java and more and embed it reliably in the script file.
This will not be the case because a NameNode will always consist of data; if there is no data then it couldn’t be a NameNode.
The process that sorts and effectively transfers the output of the maps to the reducer which acts as an input to the reducer is termed shuffling.
The basic parameters of the Mapper include Text and IntWritable, LongWritable and Text.
Sqoop is used as a transmitter to transfer relevant specific data between RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) and HDFS in Hadoop.
HBase is the data storage component used by Hadoop.
Yes, wildcards can be used to find certain files in Hadoop.
The three configuration files used in Hadoop are as follows:
- core-site.xml
- mapred-site.xml
- hdfs-site.xml
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