Implement and manage virtual networking :
- create and configure VNET peering
- configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual network
Configure name resolution :
- configure Azure DNS
- configure custom DNS settings
- configure a private or public DNS zone
Secure access to virtual networks :
- create security rules
- associate an NSG to a subnet or network interface
- evaluate effective security rules
- deploy and configure Azure Firewall
- deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service
- NOT: Implement Application Security Groups; DDoS
Configure load balancing :
- configure Application Gateway
- configure an internal load balancer
- configure load balancing rules
- configure a public load balancer
- troubleshoot load balancing
- NOT: Traffic Manager and Front Door and Private Link
Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking :
- monitor on-premises connectivity
- use Network Performance Monitor
- use Network Watcher
- troubleshoot external networking
- troubleshoot virtual network connectivity
Integrate an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network :
- create and configure Azure VPN Gateway
- create and configure VPNs
- configure ExpressRoute
- configure Azure Virtual WAN