Oracle DBA Interview Questions and Answers

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Best Oracle DBA Interview Questions and Answers
Are you in search of the best Oracle DBA Interview Questions and Answers? Do you wish to crack every Oracle DBA interview that you are going to attend? If you’re nodding your head for these two questions then you have arrived at the right place! At CourseJet we have committed to help the students with the frequently asked Oracle DBA interview questions and answers. Preparing these top Oracle DBA interview questions and answers would help you in acquiring the knowledge and confidence to clear your Oracle DBA interview.
All these top Oracle DBA interview questions are grouped hereafter deep research. These Oracle DBA interview questions cover all the concepts from the essential areas of the DBA which include Oracle Database Architecture, DML and DCL operations, Oracle DBA installation, recovery manager, Oracle database parameters, RDBMS to store and retrieve data, etc.
Oracle DBA is a popular database management system developed and owned by Oracle corporation. This database is typically used for data warehousing, for running online transaction processing, and for handing the mixed database workloads. These top Oracle DBA interview questions and answers are suitable for both freshers as well as experienced candidates.
Frequently Asked Oracle DBA Interview Questions
All these Oracle DBA questions are covered right from the basic to advanced level. All these interview questions are suitable for the professionals like Software Developers, Database Analysts and Administrators, SQL Programmers and Architects, Project Managers, and freshers who wish to build their career in the database management world. Mastering these lists of frequently asked interview questions will definitely help you for exceptional performance in the Oracle DBA interview.
In modern times, data storage has become an essential task for organizations. To manage the huge data sets and ever-growing data, organizations are looking for the certified Oracle DBA professionals. If you are about to start your career in the Oracle DBA then you have a great career ahead with a good scope. All these Oracle DBA interview questions and answers cover from the basic to advanced level areas. Preparing these Oracle DBA interview questions for freshers and experienced will definitely help you in getting into your dream career. Without wasting no time let’s get into the best Oracle DBA interview questions and answers part.
Oracle DBA Interview Questions for Freshers
Following are the list of frequently asked Oracle DBA interview questions and answers
1. What is Oracle DBA?
Oracle DBA is a popular database management system developed and owned by Oracle corporation. This database is typically used for data warehousing, for running online transaction processing, and for handing the mixed database workloads. Oracle database acts as the best tool for managing all types of data.
2. What is the difference between Oracle DBA and Oracle Developer?
The following table gives you a clear view of the core differences between Oracle DBA and Oracle Developer.
Oracle DBA | Oracle Developer |
Manage Databases | For coding and development |
Database maintenance | Database development |
Streamlined tasks | Wide Range tasks |
Works in backend database management | It is used for front end development |
It also performs recovery, Backup, Server connectivity, and much more | Other areas it works are designing, coding, UI, etc. |
3. Explain four possible ways to execute an SQL query on an oracle database?
- By using a GUI (Graphic User Interface) tool like SQL developer. This tool allows direct execution of SQL commands.
- By deploying the SQL*Plus command-line tool. This tool enables you to execute any type of SQL commands directly.
- By writing your own program: It is one of the widely used and conventional ways for executing a SQL query. Any windows or web program that uses the Oracle database can execute SQL queries. You can use programming languages such as Java, and .Net to execute SQL commands and the language should have a driver to access the database.
- Oracle Enterprise Manager: It also helps you in the execution of an SQL query. This is also called the indirect way to execute a query. Using Oracle Enterprise Manager you can perform certain tasks and these tasks are transformed into SQL queries and these queries are ultimately executed against the database.
4. What is Oracle?
Oracle is a multinational computer technology corporation and provides database server facilities in a structured way. It creates an environment where users can store and retrieve data. It also allows multi-user access to the same database without any intersection. Oracle provides a highly secured database environment to prevent the hacks, data loss and gives you a seamless data recovery option. Oracle gives you a high performance to execute all types of tasks against the database.
5. What do you know about SQL *Plus and what role does it play in Oracle DBA?
Oracle SQL*Plus is a command-line tool offered by Oracle corporation. You need not pay any fair for getting this tool. It comes as a default tool along with Oracle database installations or client installations. After finishing the oracle database installation on a system you can easily spot it below the “$ORACLE_HOME/bin/” directory. Using SQL*Plus you can easily connect to a database and execute SQL queries or SQL commands against the connected database. Moreover, SQL*Plus comes with some inbuilt commands which help you in formatting the output and makes the results clear.
6. What is Oracle Database?
Oracle is a topmost and specialized software corporation that helps you to develop and manage your data. The database consists of logical and physical structures in which users can store the entire data. The software is used to manage the database is called an Oracle Database server. All these tasks performed on a physical database system are called an Oracle Database system.
Oracle Database also comes with advanced features to make the data management simpler and more secure than ever before. In Oracle Database buffer cache stores the data in memory and enables quick access. Oracle redo logs will help you to track the changes made to a database. Data Guard helps you in protecting your organizational data and control the structure of the data.
7. What is an Oracle Index?
An index is a Schema object that helps you with an entry for every value that appears in columns(s). It is an optional option associated with a table that gives you clear access to rows. Oracle Index also helps in improving the performance of the data retrieval data process. You can create an index on multiple columns of a table. Oracle Database supports multiple types of Index.
8. What are the various roles performed by a DBA?
- User and security management
- Database management
- Control and monitor database performance
- Manage Schema objects
- Schedule and automate jobs
- Perform backup and recovery
9. Explain the different Oracle Database objects?
- Tablespaces
- Sequences
- Synonyms
- Indexes
- Views
- Tables
10. State the benefits of ORDBMS?
The ORDBMS allows the objects to store as they are. It simplifies the way to connect with the DBA language to any Object Oriented Programming language. Sometimes the language may be the same one used in application development. It eases the task of developers and they need not have two representations of objects.
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11. What are typical tasks performed by an oracle DBA?
- Oracle Software installation
- Performing upgrades of the database
- Creating oracle databases
- Starting and stopping the database
- Managing users and security
- Controlling database storage structures
- Database backup and performing database recovery
- Managing schema objects such as Views, indexes, and tables
- Frequently monitoring the health of the database and developing measures to handle as required.
- Performance tuning and monitoring
12. What are the tools available for administering the database?
- Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA): It is capable enough to develop a database by utilizing the templates supplied by Oracle, or one can also develop their own templates. In such scenarios it allows us to copy a preconfigured seed database, which saves us a great amount of time and effort in customization and developing a database from the ground level.
- Oracle Universal Installer (OUI): It enables the users to install the Oracle software. Oracle Universal Installer automatically launches the database configuration assistant to install the database.
- Database Upgrade Assistant: This tool acts as a guide to upgrading the existing database to the new database version.
- Oracle Net Manager: It acts as a guide to achieving network configuration goals.
- Oracle Enterprise Manager: Oracle Enterprise Manager acts as a primary tool for managing databases. Once we are done with tasks such as oracle software installation, database up-gradation, network configuration, and the very next thing is to use the Oracle Enterprise Manager which acts as an interface for managing a database. In addition to providing an interface for managing the database it also acts as an interface for Oracle utilities and performance advisors.
13. What do you know about the architecture of Oracle Grid?
The Oracle Grid is a software that provides system support for Oracle database including automatic restart capabilities, file system management, and volume management.
The oracle Grid architecture brings all the huge number of networks, servers, and storage into an on-demanded, flexible resource for meeting the enterprise computing needs. Grid computing acts as a controller for analyzing the need for resources and adjusting the supply to meet the demand.
Grid computing utilizes an advanced workload management system that enables applications to distribute/ share resources across the servers. It also adjusts the data processing capacity based on the requirement and also the resources within a location dynamically supplied. The grid helps web services to quickly integrate applications that create new business processes.
14. Explain the difference between the SPFILE and PFILE?
- PFILE: It is a text parameter file and supplies the data for configuring the database initialization parameters.
- SPFILE: It consists of all the data required for configuring the database initialization parameters. SPFILE allows us to make dynamic changes without any need to reset the instance.
15. Who takes the responsibility to update the indexes?
16. What is meant by Synonym in Oracle terminology?
- View
- Table
- Sequence
- Another synonym
17. What is meant by password file and why do we need it?
All the passwords and usernames given to the users are stored in the data dictionary of a database. Each time the user wishes to log into the database, the assigned user name and password to a user can be checked against the data stored in the dictionary and if the values match then the users get access to the database. The data dictionary is an integral part of the database and available as long as the database is open. All the usernames and passwords are given to administer also managed by this dictionary.
If in case the database is closed automatically the data dictionary will also stop functioning and you no longer have access to it. In such scenarios, we need a solution for administrators to logon to the database even when the database is down. Here comes the Password file which is a unique operating system file that has been stored on a disk out of the database. Whoever the users having SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege for their username and password gets stored in the password file. Users or administrators who have this privilege can access the password file even if the database is down.
18. What are the differences between the Oracle DBA role and Oracle Developer role?
- Oracle DBA Role: The Oracle DBA’s main role is to conduct database administration that is associated with functionalities such as regular database maintenance, enforcing security policies, data backup, and recovery, and a lot more other tasks. Even though the DBA’s are not supposed to develop any code they should have PL/SQL and SQL knowledge to administer the database effectively.
- Oracle Developer Role: The major duty of an Oracle developer is to develop backend applications. They develop data models according to business nature and needs. They also design tables, develop indexed and other types of constraints. Oracle Developers are expected to have sound knowledge of languages like SQL and PL/SQL. They are not expected to perform the tasks related to database administration tasks.
Based on the structure of an organization, sometimes the DBA’s might also be asked to perform basic development tasks and need to coordinate with developers to achieve the common goal.
19. What are the elements to specify in the SQL script while developing a database?
- Database name
- The SYSTEM user password
- The SYS user Password
- Minimum three online redo log groups
- Specify a minimum of two members for each redo log group
- National character set and Character set of the database.
- Location and size of the SYSTEM
- Specify normal tablespace
- SYSAUX tablespace
- Normal tablespace and temporary tablespace
- Specify an undo tablespace.
20. What makes up an Oracle Instance?
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21. What does an Oracle database consist of?
- DataFiles: All the DataFiles store “user” data or “system” data. The data related to an application is defined as a “user” data. The best example of a “system” data is “data dictionary”.
- OnlineRedo Log Files: This file acts as a place for holding “change” records. All the changes done to a data file will be first written to online redo log files.
- ControlFiles: These types of files are very small in nature when compared to the above files. Though the ControlFiles are small in nature they play a vital role. They are responsible for holding the data related to physical structures of the database like online redo log files, location of data files, etc.
22. What are the tools used for starting an Oracle database?
- SQL*Plus: It is the commonly used option for starting an Oracle database. All you need to do is connect to an idle instance with SQL*Plus and use the startup command to start the instant.
- Oracle Enterprise Manager: This is also one of the widely used tools to start a database. You can have the chance to access the Oracle Enterprise Manager even if the database is stopped. OEM will help you in finding the status of a down database and will give you the startup button.
- RMAN: It is one of the least used tools for starting a database. Using the Recovery Manager command line you can easily start a button.
23. What are the stages in which an instance passes through while starting?
- NOMOUNT: It is the very beginning place where the instance gets stored.
- MOUNT: At this stage, the instance gets started and the database is mounted. At this stage, you can not access the data because the database is still not open. You can execute multiple maintenance tasks at this stage. But you get the choice to perform several maintenance tasks at this stage.
- OPEN: It is the last date on which the database is open to access and you can have access to all the data. At this stage, you will get a default mode for “read/write” this means you can perform read/ write tasks. But most probably at this stage, you get a read-only option and you are not allowed to make any changes to data.
24. How can you prevent a user from accessing data while the database is under maintenance?
All the users who have a CREATE SESSION” privilege can make a connection when the database is open. The database can be opened in a “restricted” mode and in this mode, only users with the “RESTRICTED SESSION” facility can access the database. This facility is allowed to only DBAs and not to the regular users. Restricted mode is the best possible way to prevent users from accessing data when it is under maintenance.
25. What are the different modes to shutdown a database?
- Normal: In this scenario, no new connections are allowed to access the database and the database gets automatically shut down once all the sessions disconnect themselves.
- Immediate: In this mode, no new connections are accepted and the current transactions are rolled back. Even the changes made by an active transaction will also be lost.
- Transactional: In this mode, not even a single new connection is accepted and Oracle waits until all the active sessions are completed.
- Abort: It makes the database to shut down immediately even though the database is not shut down neatly. This process is rarely used one because the database has to perform instance recovery whenever it starts.
26. What is the information that can be furnished while developing a sequence?
- Name of the Sequence: It represents the Schema, should be unique, and resides inside a schema
- Start With: It will be a number with which a sequence gets starts
- Increment by: this represents how much an increment should be increased at every move.
- Nocycle: It will define the Sequence whether it should begin from the start once it reaches the end.
- Nocache: It shows how much a next sequence will be cached in SGA. Noche means there will be no next sequence that will be cached.
27. How is it possible to automatically restart the database once the reboot of the server is over?
- Using Oracle Restart: Using an advanced feature of Oracle High Availability Service called “Oracle Restart” feature.
- Writing Your Own Script: You can also make it possible by writing a “bash” script to the database and integrating that script for starting the operating system.
28. What are the major differences between a Dedicated Server Architecture and Shared Server Architecture?
19. List the instance parameters being used in configuring the shared server architecture?
- DISPATCHERS: A string value used to configure dispatchers.
- SHARED_SERVERS: This parameter specifies the least number of shared server processes that are presented in a server.
- MAX SHARED_SERVERS: This parameter explains how many shared processes can be run at a given point in time.
- SHARED_SERVER SESSIONS: This parameter explains the highest number of sessions that can be run at a time using a shared connection.
- CIRCUITS: This parameter defines the maximum number of virtual circuits that can be presented in the system.
30. How does the “Database Writer” process work?
We can have a larger number of database background processes and are termed as “DBWn” on the operating system. This process is mainly used for writing the “dirty” buffers to a disk. There are times where a data block needs to be updated. The other name for the modified database block is called the “dirty” block.
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31. What is the main purpose of the Index?
22. Define table in Oracle?
33. What is View?
34. What is meant by row changing in Oracle Database?
25. What is meant by “Extent”?
36. What is Datafile in Oracle?
37. What do you know about the Redo log?
38. What are the major elements contained in a control file?
Each database consists of a control file. It is a little binary file that stores the physical structure of a database and consist of the following elements:
- Name of the database
- Names of online redo log files and data files
- The sequence number of the current log
- The timestamp of a database creation
- Checkpoint information
39. What are the benefits of using control files?
40. Why do we use the SELECT statement?
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41. How many types of SQL statements are there?
- Data Manipulation Language,
- Data Definition Language,
- Session Control
- Transactional Control,
- System Control.
42. What is meant by the transaction in an Oracle database?
43. Define GROUP BY?
44. What is SQL?
45. What is a Private database link?
46. What is a Public database link?
27. What are the areas in which we can perform Tuning?
- Memory Allocation.
- Database Design.
- Database Contention.
- Disk I/Os.
- OS level (CPU).
48. Explain the disk components available in the Oracle database?
- Parameter files
- Password files
- Control files
- Redo Logs
- Data files
49. What is Checkpoint in Oracle in Database?
50. Name the different types of backups available in Oracle Database?
- Cold backup
- Datapump, Exp/IMP
51. What are the different types of Checkpoints?
- Full ckpt
- File-level ckpt
- Thread ckpt
- Incremental
- Object-level
- log switch
With this, we have come to the end of the frequently asked Oracle database interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced candidates’ blog. Preparing these Oracle database top interview questions would definitely help you in clearing your interview in the very first attempt. Hope you have found this blog useful. Stay tuned to this blog for the latest Oracle database interview questions and answers. Happy learning!
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